Comments on: Is New Orleans the Birthplace of The Blues? The Honest Broker Investigates. everything hi-fi Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:24:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: ORT Sat, 16 Jul 2022 00:50:58 +0000 In reply to Ian White.

My mom would agree with you, brother! That I do not is just a difference in taste and perceived relevance, if you will.


By: Ian White Mon, 11 Jul 2022 00:00:12 +0000 In reply to ORT.


I’ve always related to the Blues. I’ve been a fan since I was a little boy and listened to John Lee Hooker and Muddy Waters on my Uncle’s stereo.

Ian White

By: ORT Sat, 09 Jul 2022 13:13:23 +0000 It is said that “the Blues” is all about telling a story…To be honest, for the greater part I do NOT want to listen.

The vocals are just too awful for me to get past. I like some of the music and for example, in the film “Cadillac Records” the music was for the greater part good. The singing? Yuck. As I often say, if I wanted to hear someone that can not sing, “sing”, then I will sing. And I do NOT sing well at all. So I refrain from doing so.

Exempli gratia. Some folk go on and on about Punk (Punque?) as if it were some how important but I find it loathsome and loud. Historically,the Blues are more important than many genres that sprang from it like Athena from Zeus but that does not mean that it is all from the Gods. It is from people. Just people. Some can play instruments and do so quite well but most, if they can sing at all do any thing but when it comes to the Blues.

My mom likes the Blues and would cross the tracks to listen to it as a young girl in St. Louis. I try but cannot fathom the attraction of their bark, battle and roll.

I know whereof I write. My word is far from the “last” on the subject of the Blues but that makes it no less authoritative or valid than yours. We do NOT have to like every thing in this world and doing so in the feeble manner of the current societal zeitgeist makes us neither better or worse than others. It just means we do not like some thing and in my case I refuse to be shamed or farced into joining a herd of turdles seeking the approval of the mAsses (more messes, really) as is often teh (did that on purpose, I did!) case in this world of cancel culture.

Sheeeeeit. In truth, yogurt and a high school petrie dish have more culture than do the messes of mAsses.

Me? I am more council culture. You write fairly well, sir. Thank you.

